
Virtual Internship System (VIS) in a Blended Learning Environment


Project Link: Virtual Internship System (VIS)
Funded by: ICT Division Bangladesh

2020-11-01 to 2022-01-01

In VIS, we are going to develop an interfacing platform for industry, Intern, and University to solve the following problems regarding internship: Placement problem, Real-Life Experience gain, Learning management, Learning outcomes. We have designed a novel method to decompose industry problems in different levels of subproblems that will be used as problem-based learning and critical business contribution. We have developed a container-based Virtual Development Environment which supported several programming languages including web technology and framework environment eg. Python Django, Flask, Java Spring, PHP Laravel, CodeIgniter, Javascript, Angular, HTML, CSS, etc that will help the intern to continue work in the web portal. We will also integrate real life story-based problem statements, cognitive intelligence based domain specific adaptive problem assignment, automatic assessment and a competitive learning environment that will stimulate Intern's performance.
Collaborating Universities: BUETNSU
Collaborating Software Company: Mysoft LtdERA InfoTech Ltd

Database Learning and Evaluation System (DB-LES)


Project Link: Database Learning and Evaluation System (DB-LES)
Funded by: ICT Division Bangladesh

2017-01-01 to 2019-01-01

DB-LES is a cloud-based SQL learning and evaluation platform implemented based on Problem-Based e-Learning Model(PBeL). This platform is using by university database laboratory courses like- Oracle, Mysql, SQL-server etc. We have dynamic and rich problem bank that is used for problem setup, real-time exam undertaking module, automatic evaluation and ranking module. Currently, many university in Bangladesh use DB-LES in their lab courses.
Click here to visit in DB-LES website.

Problem Based e-Learning(EPBL) in Higher Secondary Level ICT Education in Bangladesh


Project Link: Interactive HSC ICT (Prototype)
Funded by: ICT Division Bangladesh

2017-01-01 to 2019-01-01

In Bangladesh, ICT education in Higher Secondary level is compulsory for all. We have designed and developed this web platform to sever thousands of students and connected them with teachers that enable self-learning and problem based learning in an optimistic way. In this platform, we integrated a NCTB approved ICT book of Dr. Md. Mostofa Akbar which contents are highly aligned with problem-based learning model. There are several research finding implemented and integrated in this platform, including level-wise practice problem, question bank quality control, instant exam, real-time web compiler for HTML, C/C++, SQL, automatic error checking and solution suggestion, testing, evaluation and ranking. Actively, there are many students and teachers using this platform in academy level and personal ICT skill improvement.
Click here to visit EPBL platform.

A privacy-preserving National Clinical Data Warehouse (NCDW)


Project Link: National Clinical Data Warehouse (NCDW)

2020-01-01 to 2022-01-01

Researchers, analysts, professional experts working on health data have been facing serious problems because of unstructured and discrete sources of health data in Bangladesh. In this project, we have designed an ubiquitous method of data warehousing to store the health data in a structured format that can be used for knowledge discovery, data mining, decision support systems and multi purposes. Distributed File Systems, Parallel computing, Dimensional schema have been exclusively applied in the implementation to make the platform highly scalable and robust. Data privacy and security is one of the top concerns to ensure the public identities stay as safe and protected as possible. Click here to see our all publications related to this project.

HSC ICT Online System


Project Link: HSC ICT Online
Funded by: 3dots Service Systems

2021-04-11 to current

In 2017 Dr. Abu Sayed Md. Latiful Hoque and his team created an interactive e learning system for learning and teaching of ICT courses in Higher Secondary Education. The project was the second module of the project submitted to the 2nd round of the ICT division innovation grant of the year 2014-15 titled:  

Design and Development of Problem Bank for Problem Based e-Learning (PBeL) System of Programming Languages and ICT Education

 The project was successfully completed and handed over to the ICT Division and can be accessed at

In 2020, after the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic, Dr Hoque was revising his research and trying to make a more realistic and user-friendly product by adding up to date content, more interactive features and better learning management and monitoring. 

Then in April 2021, 3dots Service Systems, a startup IT company to joined eSRD-Lab for improving and upgrading the system. As per instructions of Dr. Hoque, the 3dots team redesigned the whole system to make a much better system with mobile friendliness as a top priority.  

The following work has been done to build the feature-rich new system:

Bangla interface: The old system interface was fully in English which was difficult for HSC level students. That's why we changed the interface and made everything from a-z Bangla.  


New Govt. Textbook content: The new system is based on the government release textbook for the HSC ICT course. We even had to seek permission from the national curriculum and textbook board NCTB.


Mobile friendliness: The new system is 100% mobile friendly. Every feature including code boxes work with touch devices. The old system was very much lacking in this regard.


Mobile app: A basic mobile app has been developed that can be used to access our online platform. It is available for download on the homepage 


Name and branding: The name of the old system was very unattractive. So we gave it a catchy and easy name HSC ICT Online.


Unique domain name: The old system was hosted in a subdomain of We bought a new domain


SEO: The old system was not at all search engine friendly. After our SEO efforts our website Is number one in Google search ranking when searching for HSC level ICT content.


Dashboard: The old system had no dashboard for progress monitoring. We created the dashboard feature with unique dashboards for teachers, students, college admins, and super admins. 


Approval features: We designed an approval model where teachers, students and administrators must be approved before they can access the dashboard and other management features .


Unique User roles and registration systems: The old system had only student and teacher accounts, we modified that and added different roles. At present we have non HSC level students,  HSC level students,  teachers,  College admins,  super admins.


Password recovery: The old system had no way to recover password. We have added an SMS OTP system password recovery. Users can use their phone number to get an OTP message to reset the password. 


Question bank enhancement: We enhanced the MCQ question bank and added hundreds of new questions. 


Practice problems under the title of  এসো নিজে করি: Based on the examples in the book we have created over 30 sets of unique practice problems.


Assignment module: A unique assignment module has been built where teachers can hand out coding assignments to students real time with a real countdown timer. This is a very useful feature that can be used nationwide to implement the new curriculum, where the marks are not only from the exams but from different activities around the year. 


Practice page: To save an unlimited number of codes, A practice page with multiple save options for HTML C programming and SQL has been developed. This was a recommendation from the national curriculum and textbook board when we give a presentation there to get permission to use their textbook on our system. 


Ranking system based on the bloom's taxonomy:  Ranking the users according to the activity on the site using bloom's taxonomy has been implemented. 


Modern attractive UI design: The whole front page and UI has been changed to a more appealing and friendly interface.


Redesigning the book layout and functionality: The book content is now displayed in a very attractive way with bookmarks, progress bars, instant points, and a lot more.

Survey feature
: A survey feature has been added into the system where The users can participate in surveys. 


Student grouping feature: For better management of students teacher can create groups of students. Assignment can be handed out according to the groups.


Graphical representation of Data: All statistical data can be viewed in beautiful charts and designs from the dashboard.


User activity logging and Management: The Superuser now has an interface to manage all the users and see activity from all the users .


Enhanced Important words feature: The important words feature has been greatly improved by adding pictures and videos.   


Video Tutorials: Video tutorials have been made on different chapters.



Old HSC ICT Iels





HSC ICT Interactive eLearning System (IeLS)

HSC ICT Online



A subdomain that is not search engine optimized

Very optimized own domain 



English - Harder for students to understand and manage.

Full Bangla interface which is very easy for the students to understand and use.


Mobile friendliness 

Viewable on mobile, But not all features work including Code boxes. 

Very mobile friendly with every feature working on mobile.


Mobile App


Basic app for using the system. 


Book content 

Based on Dr Mostofa Akabrs book.

NCTB selected Govt. textbook.


User Roles

  1. Teacher

  2. Student

  1. Non-HSC Student

  2. Current HSC Student

  3. College Teacher

  4. Non-Institutional Teacher

  5. College Admin

  6. Content Editor

  7. Super Viewer

  8. Super Admin




Student Dashboard

Teacher Dashboard

College Admin Dashboard

Super Viewer Dashboard

Super Admin Dashboard




Coding assignment module for taking real-time assignments with markings.


User Approval 


  1. Student approval which the teachers approve.

  2. Teacher approval which college admins or super admins approve. 

  3. College admin approval which Super admins control.


User Management


Teachers can create groups to manage and monitor Student progress.


Ranking system 

Basic ranking using MCQ performance

Advanced ranking system based upon the bloom's taxonomy. Here the weight of all content is measured and counted according to the user's interaction with that content.


Code practice 

Practice with sample problems.

An advanced practice section for HTML C programming and SQL with unlimited number of save options.


Progress measuring and monitoring


Each chapter has a progress bar. The progress can be seen inside the book and from the dashboard. Progress is measured according to the activity completed on that chapter.


User monitoring 


This system will be good for Bangladesh.

Blockchain-Based Patient Record Linkage System For Big Data Analytics


Project Link: Blockchain-Based Patient Record Linkage System For Big Data Analytics
Funded by: ICT Division Bangladesh

2022-07-01 to current


In Bangladesh, the existing health records are stored in unconnected, heterogeneous sources with no unique patient identifier and consistency. Consequently, patients face difficulties finding previous electronic test reports, treatment records, and medication. 

To solve this problem we are developing a Blockchain-based record linkage system interface that will be decentralized and so provide the privacy of the patient's health record.  As a decentralized technology, the records will be permanent, immutable, and secure.